Sunday, November 18, 2012

FoodScoop: Fall

My favorite time of year! Cool, crisp, hoodie-wearing weather, football-watching Sundays, start of the holiday baking season time of year!

Around the end of September, I really ramp up the time I spend in the kitchen. There is nothing better than spending an afternoon cooking and baking while the Steelers game (or Notre Dame these days) is on in the background.

I am far from a great cook, and I have been known to eat a frozen pizza or two, but I love to fill a belly and eat all day every day until I feel sick.  Plus, if I can inspire just one person to think outside the box and try a new recipe, that makes me happy.

Speaking of which, my little brother (who has a strict diet of buffalo chicken and pizza) just texted me a picture of the homemade baked potato soup he made. A breakthrough!

I do my best to try new recipes and not have any repeats.  I don't want to live my life eating the same turkey casserole because I am afraid to branch out. Pinterest has given me lots of possibilities but, I will be honest, I have not made of ton of my pins. I got crazy pinning a few months ago and burned myself out, now I rarely even look at my pins.

I typically flip through magazines and pull out recipes that don't look too complicated.  I have an entire stack of swipes I have pulled over the last few years ... it's killing me that I have not had time to organize them and put them in categories. Yikes, I'm crazy.  Either way, I flip through the pile when I am looking for something new to make.  It's much easier than going to my laptop and typing in 'fall recipes'.  I have already pulled ideas that I know I want to make, even if I don't make them for a year.
The past few months my cooking has become a bit heavier.  Soups, stews and roasts are some of my fall / winter staples.

Erin's Fall Food Faves
- pumpkin bread
- mini apple pies
- chocolate covered pretzel rods
- roasted corn chowder
- giant veggie and cheese melt sandwich
- sloppy janes
- french onion soup
- apple cheesecake crisp
- baked bananas with frozen yogurt
- homemade spaghetti sause
- salted sunflower seeds from the garden
- baked acorn squash
- chocolate chip pumpkin cookies
- beef stew
- white cheddar mac and cheese
- pumpkin milkshake

So I may have went pumpkin crazy this year...

Jake's Fall Food Faves
- homemade pumpkin ravioli in butter sauce
- apple strawberry crisp
- shredded chicken tacos with black beans
- whole wheat pasta with basil chicken sausage
- grilled lobster
- jalapeño cornbread
- sweet potato pancakes

All summer I had an endless supply of fresh veggies and herbs from my garden.  It's a bit depressing to buy a zucchini now, but I try to incorporate a veggie in every meal. I made a ton of pasta and veggie dishes, and Jake made a lot veggie wraps, tacos, salads, ribs and burgers this summer. He tried to put jalapeños in every single meal. After he left my grandparents with a bushel-full.  I basically made two versions of everything - hot for him, mild for me.

We joke about how his cooking is 'ethnic' because I tend to make mild comfort foods like mac and cheese or pie and he tends to make dishes with so many more ingredients and spices (like potato and kale hash with smoked chicken sausage).

We don't usually make meals together as you can see from the lists above, either I have a recipe I want to make or he does. It's probably more that he doesn't like me putting my two cents in about how he cuts onions.  (Yeah, I do that.)  So I usually sit at the kitchen island on my laptop or watch some reality trash on TV while he is cooking - it's nice to trade off.

We do merge ideas when baking Christmas cookies - that's a full day of side by side kitchen time. It gets intense.

So there you have it, a look into our kitchens this Fall. Yes, kitchens - as in we have two kitchens, as in two houses, as in two of everything. We have yet to buy our house together and are currently splitting time between two homes - I'll save that madness for another blog day.

Stay tuned for FoodScoop: Winter - I already have some snowy day meals lined up!

Happy cooking!

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