Summer that is - I refuse to let this Summer go.
Although, Fall really is my favorite season - who can resist pumpkin cookies; cool, crisp, hoodie-wearing weather; hot apple cider; and football? I am getting excited already! Summer is a very close second, followed by Winter then Spring (that's right I like Winter more than Spring).
This Summer has been one of the best and I would love to live in this very moment for a few more weeks... enjoying the warm weather, lazy sun filled days, grilled dinners, outdoor parties, early-out Fridays at the office, fresh veggies, pool days, and cherishing our last unmarried August.
Jake and I have spent one other Summer together but this Summer was different, the days of "call me and we will get dinner this week" were gone and the days of "did you pack my swim suit and tums for vacation?" were in full force.
Over the course of the past year and 1/2 we have really crossed over into the serious couple phase. Every married couple or long-time dater knows the phase I am talking about. When you start washing your clothes together, texting one an others parents / siblings, planning week night meals, going on weekend trips, checking in before you make plans with friends... just living your lives 100% together. We have been doing just that, living our very different daytime but very similar evening and weekend lives together.
I am fortunate enough to work for a company that lets me leave the office every Friday at 1pm from Memorial Day to Labor Day and the past few Summers I have found myself thinking 'I did nothing productive in those extra hours away from work'. I was not going to let that happen this Summer. I wanted to enjoy my weekend time with Jake free of house work and chores.
This Summer I had 2 goals:
1. Use my Summer early out Friday's to be productive - get laundry done, organize, clean, cook, bake, garden, grocery shop, pay bills, visit Aunt Kass, etc. As much as I wanted to lay by the pool every Friday I really wanted to try out some new recipes more!
So, while Jake was at work Friday afternoons saving lives, I was productive too.
Check out some of my Early Out Friday projects...
rainbow cupcakes |
oreo fudge |
cookies ice cream sandwiches |
smoothies... with spinach |
4th of July and Olympic treats, I made them twice! |
beer bread for my girls only fantasy football draft |
zucchini bread (I grew the zucchini!) |
USA cupcakes, for Adam's last day in Pittsburgh |
lemon blueberry bread for the Crawford family reunion |
white chocolate chip zucchini bread and zucchini fritters |
zucchini cookies with cream cheese filling |
Zucchini played a huge role in our life this Summer as you can see from all the baking I did!
In the past, I have had small potted plants, small cherry tomato plants, and some hanging baskets, but this Summer, I took it to a new level. A full out veggie garden of my own. My parents and grandparents have had gardens for as long as I can remember so it's in my nature but I had no idea how much work it really involved. My parents came over in late May to dig the garden beds, a few weeks later we planted tomatoes (4 kinds), zucchinis, pumpkins, cucumbers, peppers, squash and lost of mums and sunflowers. Overall i'd say it was a success with only a few duds. I have more cherry tomatoes that we can eat, about 7 zucchinis, lots of peppers, 4 or 5 cucumbers, 0 squash, wild flowers are popping up everywhere and I actually grew 6 pumpkins! Well, my dad actually planted the pumpkins but I take the credit because I watered them every single day for the last 90 days. I also have to give a little shout out to my 87 year old neighbor Bill - he watered for me when I went out of town.
The Great Pumpkin
and goal number 2...
2. Enjoy Jake time. Free of work, laundry and the like.
We started off the Summer with a trip to Connecticut to visit The Coopers. I got to look at all Jake's baby pictures, meet some family, check out an awesome garden store (terrain), go to a small town parade, go to Zumba with Jake's mom and watch some Real Housewives of Atlanta with all Jake's siblings.
grocery store with talking animals (Stew Leonard's) |
red, white and blue outfits, I swear we did not plan this |
baby pics from Jake's mom |
Later in June we headed to Key Largo Florida. We spent 5 days eating, sleeping, swimming, reading and Jake actually took his work email off his phone... that made all the difference!
Shell World |
lots of fish, sunsets and relaxation |
The rest of the summer was a blur filled with Pirate games, family dinners, Adam's visit, a trip to Iowa and Minneapolis, a family reunion, trip to the museum, time with friends and their kids, outdoor eating and a few summer parties.
Mara and Quinn |
Flying Horse Farms Camp |
AE box |
Gateway Clipper |
John Deere headquarters |
Minneapolis with the Schlauchs |
driving range |
Adam in Pittsburgh |
Dinner at Burgatory |
museum |
our parents |
I am dreading the first Friday when I leave the office at 5:30pm and the sky is pitch black, but until then I will embrace these last few days of summer. As soon as I get rid of this horrible cold I have, who gets sick in the summer?!
I'll do my best not to wish away this next year counting down the days until or wedding next August.
By the way, it's 335 days away!
Spoiler alert, one of this Fall's goals is to step up the running and gym regimen... somebody had to eat all those cookies!
You had me at "oreo fudge."